Hold Up Blocks


22 November 2023


1pm onwards


LH 1

Team Size:



Someone: (+91) 76969-69696
Someone: (+91) 76969-69696

1. All the rules of JENGA will be applicable.
2. Maximum 2 players can participate in team.
3. There will be a tower of 5 levels, each marked with a difficulty level of questions.
4. You or with your teammate(one after the another) will take one block from any level of the tower and place it on the topmost level in order to complete it.
5. You will be using one hand at a time.
6. After you place the block at top of tower, you have to pick a question slip from a bowl of that respective level.
7. Correct answers will give you points.
8. During your first 3 turns, you will remove blocks from 1 and 2 levels.
9. The game will end when the tower falls completely, or if any block falls from the tower (other than the block that you move on a turn).
10. Winners will be chosen based on their points.

Hold Up Blocks